
"The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.- Paulo Coelho

About Me

Photo of Austin Cuddeback sitting on a bench

Hello, my name is Austin Cuddeback and I am a full-stack web developer with many years of problem solving experience. I have a background in management which has taught me how to be an excellent problem solver and natural leader. I am looking to bring my knowledge, communication, and technical skills to add value to an organization while focusing on continuous learning and engaging in my community to give back in the field of web development.

My skills:

  • Front end: HTML5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, GSAP, Animations, Handlebars
  • Back end: Node.js, Express.js, Stripe.js, API's, MySQL, SQLite, Sequelize, bcrypt, cookies, express-session, dotenv

Click to download my resume!

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